Overworld Glitches Mentor Tournament 2020



  • State: Open
  • Swords: Assured (Swiss) and Randomized (Brackets)
  • Logic: Overworld Glitches (Boots start)
  • Goal: 7/7 Defeat Ganon
  • Quickswap Enabled

Please see https://alttpr.com/en/options for more information.

How do I get involved and join the tournament?


  • The first week is dedicated to training and group mentorship. No races will be held during the first week.
  • Anybody can participate in Week 1 regardless of intent to compete.
  • 16 players will be chosen by lottery to participate in the tournament.
  • Four weeks of BO1 Swiss will follow through December, with one round per week. These will be mentored races.
  • All 16 players will advance to bracket stage, seeded according to performance in Swiss. Bracket races will be unmentored.
  • There will be a 1 week break to account for holidays and another 1 week break for AGDQ. During this period several async seeds will be provided to allow racers to practice unmentored play and randomized swords if they choose. Runners are also encouraged to participate in the OWG weekly race. Race your mentors!
  • A BO3 single elimination bracket will take place through January, ending in a finals and bronze BO3 match.
  • A single group throwdown race will be held for 5-8 placements.

Racer Requirements:

  • Anybody can participate in Week 1
  • Minimal or no glitched logic experience preferred.
  • Racers are expected to demonstrate basic proficiency in normal No Glitches randomizer:
    • Participation in Ladder, League, or any other racing format OR
    • Completion of five seeds in under 2.5 hours OR
    • Other qualifications as determined by an admin or mod.
  • Racers must stream during races and are encouraged to make a local recording.

What if I’m too advanced to race but too new to mentor?

It takes surprisingly little time to acclimate to glitched randomizer, especially if you have a strong NMG base. With enough practice in the interim weeks and training week, you might surprise yourself. A good place to start, other than playing seeds, is to watch some old tournament races. There will also be a high demand for commentators.


Mentor Requirements – one of more of the following:

  • Completed an OWG race on any platform within the past 6 months
  • Completed 3 OWG seeds in 2.5 hours or less within the past 6 months without cheats
  • Raced in a previous OWG tournament
  • Other qualifications at the discretion of an admin or mod

Mentors will be provided a primer sheet that essentially “coaches them on being coaches,” as well as each racer’s answers to the Mentor Preference Form, which will help them to effectively work with their racer.

During races, mentors may use general glitch resources including the practice hack to demonstrate and relay glitch techniques to their racers.

Racer/Mentor Matching Process

  1. If you have a specific Mentor from the community in mind, feel free to reach out to them directly to confirm them as your Mentor.
  2. If you don’t have a Mentor in mind, you’ll head to the #mt-racer channel of our Discord to find one. We will have a list of all registered Mentors and some info about each of them to peruse, including a Mentor Availability Schedule. We recommend considering both availability and areas of expertise when choosing a Mentor to reach out to.
  3. Once you know the Mentor you’d like to work with (along with 1-2 backups in mind), ping them in the channel or DM them to ask. PLEASE! Be respectful of Time Zones! Keep pings and DMs between 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM THEIR TIME as a courtesy.

Once both Racers have a Mentor lined up, it’s time for all four parties to coordinate a race time that works for everyone. In the event that 2 Racers and 1 Mentor can make a time work but the 2nd Mentor cannot, that Racer’s Mentor may then choose to reach out to a different Mentor who is available at that time if they wish.

Mentorship What-if’s

What if my mentor is running late? Mentors are allowed to join a seed already in progress provided that the mentor has not been “spoiled” on the seed in any way (See cheating definitions below). However, once a mentor leaves a racer’s voice or text chat, they may not join again for the rest of the race and are effectively finished in their mentoring duties for that race.

What if two mentors don’t volunteer for a race? In the event that two mentors have not volunteered for a race at least one hour before the match is scheduled, admins may ping mentors in a last-ditch effort to find one. If they are still unavailable, an admin may step in as a mentor. If that is not possible, the racers will have an opportunity to reschedule OR choose to race without a mentor (if only one mentor can be lined up, they will be released of their duties, as we can’t have one racer/mentor team racing a solo racer.)

What if two racers can’t find a time to race in a week? In certain situations, extensions can be granted to allow for more time for two racers to sync up for their match. If a race still can’t be scheduled, speak with an admin to explore alternate options on a case-by-case basis.

What if a racer drops out/goes silent/stops responding? If it has been determined by admins that all reasonable methods have been exhausted by one racer to communicate with their opponent to schedule a race and their opponent has not responded, the unresponsive racer will be considered to have forfeited their match, and their opponent will be granted the win.

Tournament Specifics

Time Commitments:

  • Racers: Roughly one race per week starting December lasting until early February for finalists.
  • Mentors: It will be each mentor’s responsibility to watch the updated list of upcoming matches and volunteer as they’re able. Racers may also request a mentor by name. We of course can’t force a mentor to be available during all of that racer’s matches but, y’know, make a reasonable effort. ?


If the runners finish within 1 second of each other, a VOD review will be conducted to determine who finished first.


Swiss Seeding

Seeding during Swiss is completely random.

Bracket Seeding

Generally, we recommend that you do your best in every race and don’t forfeit unless you absolutely have to, because your finish time may need to be used in order to help determine bracket seeding.

Brackets will be seeding according to the following criteria:

  1. Swiss system points (1 pt per win)
  2. Wins vs Tied Participants (of the same point value)
  3. Buchholz (strength of schedule)
  4. Points difference (Wins minus losses)
  5. Head to head scores
  6. Time difference vs opponents, with 15 minutes max and a 15 minute penalty for forfeits.


All weeklong formats run Monday – Sunday.

  • Nov 11: Registration
  • Nov 21: Prep Time / Master classes / General Training
  • Nov 30: Swiss Round 1
  • Dec 7: Swiss Round 2
  • Dec 14: Swiss Round 3
  • Dec 21: Holiday Recess
  • Dec 28: Swiss Round 4
  • Jan 3: AGDQ Recess
  • Jan 11: Brackets Round 1
  • Jan 18: Quarterfinals
  • Jan 25: Semifinals
  • Feb 1: Finals, Bronze Match, 5-8 Race

How are dropouts and forfeits handled?

  • Forfeits are treated as a loss.
  • Dropouts forfeit their current match and are removed from the remainder of the tournament.
  • Past results are not changed retrospectively during Brackets.

Restreaming and Racing

Due to the nature of the tournament and the number of experienced glitched runners necessary to put on a restream, we may not be able to restream every race.

  • Typically, there will be one commentator who knows glitches and one who does not.
  • Due to the need for glitch explanations, mentor/racer chatter will not be played on restream. Racers who want their audio restreamed should adjust their settings accordingly.
  • If neither racer has usable audio, a background playlist will be used instead.
  • There is a 3 hour time limit per race for restreams.
  • You must stream all races on Twitch without any delay and enable VOD archiving.
  • Race VODs must remain on Twitch for the duration of the tournament.
  • You must disable all stream alerts if you are being restreamed.
  • MSU and disabled music are allowed for restreamed audio as long as the MSU won’t trigger copyright muting.

If there is no restream, the default and recommended viewing method for all races will be via the following:

  • A multitwitch link containing both racer’s Twitch streams
  • Chat in a “#live-races” channel in the Go Mode Podcast Discord

When Restreams are Possible: In the event that a restream is possible, admins will coordinate with all of the necessary volunteers ahead of time to ensure that an acceptable quality stream can be produced. The racers will be notified and consent will be gained to broadcast the race. More than likely a ping will be sent out to all tournament participants, or in the case of Finals, promoted on the podcast itself. We’re gonna hype it up!

What happens if I have internet, tech or power issues?

  • Please make local recordings of races in case of any internet or technical issues. Local recordings of your entire stream are preferred to just raw game feed and are sufficient to determine the result of a race.
  • If you are having internet issues leading up to the race please do not continue and race anyway. Instead please let an admin know and reschedule.
  • If a racer has internet or technical issues (for a moderate/significant period of time) and cannot provide a local recording then they will be forfeit from that match. There will be no rematches.
  • If a mentor has technical issues, the racer may continue and the mentor will try their best to get back in contact.


  • We are using racetime.gg for this tournament.
  • Please be sure to create an account if you have not done so already.
  • The goal will be set to Beat the Game (Overworld Glitches).
  • You’ll need to connect a twitch.tv account.
  • Streaming is required.


Sahasrabot will generate a seed within your race room when you use the following commands:

  • !quickswaprace owg_assured for Swiss
  • !quickswaprace owg for Brackets

The latest live version of the randomizer will be used for each match.

Additional Rules


Cheating will result in immediate expulsion from the tournament and we’ll probably make fun of you on the podcast or something for cheating in a tournament where the goal is to learn to play a new kind of rando. Do everything in your power to avoid accusations of cheating. The following will be defined as cheating:

Stream sniping: Stream sniping is defined as watching your opponent’s stream while you play. It’s also really, really easy to tell when someone does it.

Co-op play: Co-op play is defined as having someone else play the seed at the same time as you and relay information to you about item locations, routing, etc. Mentors should use the practice hack to demonstrate glitches midrace, not the race seed.

Listening in: either the racer or mentor listening to/reading the communication between the other racer/mentor team

Intentional use of glitches outside the OWG ruleset: See below for what is and isn’t allowed. Intentional use of a disallowed glitch will result in immediate disqualification. In the event of accidental activation of a disallowed glitch, the racer is to immediately save and quit, or if not possible trigger a console/emulator reset, and the mentor or racer needs to notify a tournament admin about the accidental glitch activation

Use of save states, fast forward/rewind, turbo buttons or any other emulator-specific hacks: Simply put, if you can’t perform that action on a SNES console, you can’t do it.

Anything else that creates an unfair advantage or otherwise violates the spirit of the tournament as determined by the tournament admins

Insider knowledge coaching: While it will not be enforced as full-blown cheating, it still will not be a good look for you, as a mentor, to admit to using your racer’s opponent’s shortcomings that you only knew because you read their Mentor Prep Form in order to give your own runner an advantage. This includes telling your racer what glitches their opponent may or may not know how to do.

Overworld Glitches

What is allowed in Overworld Glitches?

Review the alttpr racing ruleset

  • Any glitch allowed in No Glitches randomizer
  • Overworld out of bounds clips (boots clips, bomb clips, 1-frame clips, etc)
  • Mirror jumps, mirror wraps, mirror clips
  • Mirrorless screenwraps
  • Overworld YBA

Which of these may be required by logic?

Review the logic settings

  • Mirror superbunny
  • Fake flipper and waterwalk
  • Dungeon bunny revival
  • Boots clips
  • Mirror clips
  • Spinspeed clips
  • Ice Palace and Magic Bat mirrorless screenwraps

Which of these are optional?

  • Other indoor minor glitches, bomb jumps, and dark room navigation
  • Overworld bunny revival
  • Fake Flute
  • Other overworld YBAs
  • 1-frame clips/bunny clips
  • Mirror wraps
  • Other mirrorless screenwraps

What glitches are not allowed?

  • Any major glitch in the underworld (door glitches, indoor bomb clips, etc.)
  • Wrong warps (including tree warp)
  • Ancilla misslotting (including hookpush and overworld conveyor)
  • Indoor fake flute (plaid world)
  • Exploration glitch

If you are stuck during an unmentored race, refer to the resources pinned in the discord or linked here. Take your time if needed – remember, this is all about learning.

Additional Questions

Which trackers can I use?

Tracker use will follow the guidelines set by the Racing Council.

What role can the mentor play in tracking?

While mentors may track alongside racers, racers are encouraged to manage their own tracking to build up good habits and free up the mentor to assist in other ways.

What hardware/software can I use?

Refer to Racing Council guidelines.

What other rules apply?

  • Turbo controllers and functionality are banned.
  • Pressing Up+Down or Left+Right simultaneously is banned.
  • Emulator specific functionality is banned (e.g. save states, fast forward, etc).
  • Only one action can be mapped per button (e.g. you can’t bind Up and Right to one button).
  • Only one button can be mapped per action (e.g. you can’t bind Up to two different buttons.
  • You may be asked to display your input settings/hotkeys/emulator version before/after a race.

We Can’t Wait to Get Started!

Please feel free to email us at email@gomodepodcast.com, tweet at us @GoModePodcast, or ping us on the Go Mode Podcast Discord with any questions or concerns.

Thanks and we’ll see you in Go Mode!